Rainbow Colormaps Are Not All Bad (Paper)
Rainbow colormaps are among the most derided ideas in data visualization,
second only to pie charts. And yet, people use them. Why? A recent paper
looks at...
Unblocking and Enabling Macros
When Windows detects that a file has come from a computer other than the
one you're using, it marks the file as coming from the web, and blocks the
Logarithms Unmuddled
I often write about topics that I myself have struggled to understand. If
I’ve struggled, I assume that many others have struggled as well. Over
the year...
Excel: sort + COUNTIF() = utter mess
I’m still in shock. Such a stupid Excel mistake. I should know better, but
it was Monday, so… Let me tell you about it. It’s as mistake as old as the
DeltaMaster Android app launched
DeltaMaster-App for Android is now available at Google Play store. From now
on it is possible to use applications and reports of the Business
Exception Reporting: Finger-wagging is dangerous
Exception reporting, a.k.a. alerting, is often propagated as an effective
method to stop the half-hazard information overload that plagues modern
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